Photos taken at Longwood Gardens 2/18/2011
If the photos are too large for your computer screen, pressing F11 will cause the browser to be full-screen, without menues and toolbars. This provides more screen room for the photos. Pressing F11 again will return you to the normal view.
Click on any photo to start viewing the photos. The left or right arrows to the right of the green bar are for navigating the photos. You can also use the arrow buttons on your keyboard for navigating the photos. To start the slide show click the dashed arrow, then move your mouse indicator OFF the arrow. If you click the checker-patterned icon to the left of the green bar, you get back to the page view. If you click the checker-patterned icon again, you get back to the index page for these photos.
If the photos are too large for your computer screen, pressing F11 will cause the browser to be full-screen, without menues and toolbars. This provides more screen room for the photos. Pressing F11 again will return you to the normal view.