Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bison and Crazy Horse Memorial

We saw only a few bison in Custer State Park, South Dakota. A park employee said it was possibly because the bison were in the woods to escape the sun in the heat wave.

We viewed the Crazy Horse Memorial from the highway.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mount Rushmore and Custer State Park, South Dakota

Today (Aug 28) we went to the Wall Drug Store for breakfast. We arrived early and saw the street almost empty. When we left, people were looking for parking spaces. The store is huge, and now includes new shops and a children's play area at the rear of the store. We then saw some highlights in the town of Deadwood, then saw Mount Rushmore and drove to Custer State Park, South Dakota. The temperature was in the mid 90s, instead of the 102F we experienced driving across South Dakota yesterday. The road (Iron Mountain Road) we took to Custer State Park was so scenic... wow! The road was narrow, with numerous tight switch-backs, and several log bridges and tunnels. Trucks and RVs can't use this road.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

South Dakota Corn Palace and Badlands August 27